Home School Agreement

Parents as Partners

We recognise that education is at its most effective when partnerships exists between home and school therefore developing good relationships is very important to us.

We have a home school agreement; please see following page. Please read, discuss with your child and sign it to ensure continuity of expectation between home and school.

We endeavour to provide quality information to parents about their child’s progress and ask that you inform school of anything, which might contribute to his/her well being. We try to keep parents informed of events in school through whole school and year group newsletters and our website. Please take every opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and participate fully in the life of our school.

We appreciate the support parents give their children in their learning and help with activities, visits etc during the year. If you feel you can contribute to school life in any way please make your interest known to the staff . Anyone working with children on a regular basis will need to agree to an enhanced DBS check.


Homework is seen as an opportunity for children to practise and consolidate the skills learnt or to research information in preparation for work in school and to involve parents in working alongside their child to build a be er picture of his/her strengths and progress.

Homework may be in the form of reading a book, a maths game, spellings to learn, maths facts to rehearse, a worksheet or a formal piece of writing. As your child progresses through school the amount and nature of the work will change in line with their needs and the curriculum.

In Key Stage 1 children have homework set weekly in their designated homework book, and in Foundation Stage they display an overview of the work they are doing, on the noticeboard outside the classroom; homework tasks will be set in line with this.

In Key Stage 2 children are responsible for bringing the work home in their designate homework book . At the beginning of each new school year, the class teacher will indicate how and when home work will be set. This is flexible to suit different classroom routines and timetables.

Asking your child to explain his work is a very good way of extending their understanding.

Home School Agreement

As a parent I aim to:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day
  • Ensure my child arrives on time and is collected on time
  • Inform school of my home time arrangements.
  • Inform school if my child cannot attend and provide a reason for any absence by 9.00am.
  • Ensure my child wears the correct uniform and is equipped for lessons.
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Support the schools policies and guidelines for behaviour.
  • Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
  • Attend parents evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
  • Talk to my child about school.

As a school we aim to:

  • Ensure your child is safe and happy
  • Value your child as an individual
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child
  • Encourage your child to behave well at all times
  • Keep you informed of your child’s progress and general school matters
  • Offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school
  • Inform you about what we aim to teach the children each half term
  • Inform you about any concerns about your child’s attendance, behaviour of learning

As a student I will aim to:

  • Follow the school rules
  • Behave well
  • Wear School uniform
  • Be polite and helpful to others
  • Come to school everyday and be on time
  • Ensure all my call work and homework is completed to the very best of my ability
  • Bring my PE kit in weekly and my reading book and book bag daily

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We do not store personal information about individuals who visit this site except where they provide contact information via our contact us page and contact forms available on various pages throughout the website.

Any information you provide will only be used for the reasons specified and it will not be shared with any third party without your consent, unless required by law.

Your contact details are kept securely and are only accessed by authorised members of staff as part of the provision of school services. If you do not wish us to keep this contact information please tell us.

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This policy will be reviewed and updated versions will be posted on the website.

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