Admission Arrangements for School

Most children start school full-time in the September after their fourth birthday. This means they will turn 5 during their first school year. If you would like your child to attend Captain Cook Primary School you must apply to a school place.
Please note that a place in the Captain Cook nursery does not ensure your child a place in school.
Captain Cook Primary School is part of the Lingfield Education Trust. The Trust has decided to follow Middlesbrough Council’s Admissions Policy and is part of the Coordinated Admissions Scheme.
Further information about the admissions process and how to apply for a school place can be found at and in the school’s Admissions Policy.
Mid-year transfer requests are applications for school places outside the usual primary school (Reception class) admissions processes. This includes children moving between schools within Middlesbrough, or children moving into Middlesbrough from another area or another country for example.
If you want to discuss or apply for a mid-year transfer, please contact the Middlesbrough Council’s School Admissions Team (see for an application form. You may also contact the school to enquire about the availability of place.
We are happy to offer visits for parents and carers. Please contact the school office or alternatively email the school using the address in the contact section of the website. We look forward to welcoming you.
For full details of admissions for children with a disability please refer to the SEND section of our website.

Appeals Guidance for School

If the school receives more applications from parents than it has places available, not every child can be successful in securing a school place. The Trust will use its admissions criteria, also known as oversubscription criteria, to decide which children to allocate places to.
Parents have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel if they are dissatisfied with an admissions decision of the Trust. The appeal panel will be independent of the Trust. The arrangements for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department for Education. The decision of the panel is binding on all parties.
Parents can only appeal once for any academic year unless there has been a change in circumstances relevant to the application.
School admission appeals timetable
In-year transfer applications
Appeals for children refused a place at a preferred school as a result of an in-year transfer application will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Admissions Policies & Documents | Download |
Admissions Policy 24-25 | Download |
Admissions Policy 25-26 | Download |
Appeals Guidance 2024 | Download |